Table of Contents for January 2024

January started off red hot. Look at that — four posts in eight days. That was like Bryan Harvey circa 2008 or 2010. Alas, I couldn’t keep it up.
Offscreen, I managed to draft some poems that might be worth submitting to different places. I drafted a humor piece that is currently submitted to a couple places. I racked up some miles in preparation of a February trail race. I did not pay attention to any awards shows. And I had a very interesting encounter with a chatbot on Twitter, at least I think it was a chatbot.
I shared the post linked below on social media, but if you look at the web address closely, then you’ll notice that I initially titled the post “First impressions in Saucony’s Tempus 2 shoes” before realizing I had been running in the only Tempus model to exist so far.
I don’t know why exactly I thought I was running in the Tempus 2, but the idea got in my head somehow and stuck. I like running. I like running in shoes. I don’t sit perched and waiting for shoe release dates. I still don’t know when the Tempus 2 might debut, but I know that I wasn’t wearing the Tempus 2 thanks to a chatbot that was wrong about everything else.
The chatbot commented on the link to the post in ways that clearly reveal the post was never read. I was writing primarily about the relationship between teaching and running and incorporating the support shoe as a metaphorical device. The chatbot wanted to know how the Tempus 2 compared to the Tempus 1 and claimed to own four pairs of the Tempus 1. The chatbot also called Brooks to find out the release date for Saucony’s Tempus 2 and reported a date that clearly isn’t the date.
Robots? Shoulder shrug. They’re just like us. I guess.
“First impressions in Saucony’s Tempus shoes” (January 31)
“My ‘Iron Claw’ therapy session” (January 8)
“TOC for November and December” (includes some stuff on Wemby and Giannis) (January 6)
“Aaron Rodgers’ bad jokes” (January 5)
“What I’m reading from in January” (January 3)