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Table of Contents for March 2023

Yesterday was Opening Day in Major League Baseball. The Atlanta Braves won 7–2 against the Washington Nationals. Only 161 more games to go. My father-in-law, who is over 80, plays in a softball league that schedules something like 54 games. The summer is full of games. Yesterday was also Indictment Day. Who knows how many more to go?
I only posted three pieces of writing online in March. Think most of what I did consisted of offline work. I drafted a handful of poems and a short story. I reworked the opening of another short story. I saw Into the Woods at the Kennedy Center with my kids. We were celebrating a birthday. We spent another weekend in the woods by a lake. Songs and marshmallows. Who knows how many more to go?
The most important and personal piece of writing I did stemmed from observing like everybody else the mental state of Ja Morant: “Ja Morant as flashpoint” (March 7).
I catalogued some more thoughts on animal-centric movies and scenes: “Hey, I’m a Lion Here: The week I watched that Idris Elba movie Beast” (March 10).
I reminisced over TV: “Season Three of Lodge 49” (March 22).
So not the most visibly productive writing month, but rest and recovery are also important. That Ja situation still needs monitoring. I’m not sure if any sort of mental health issue can ever be solved in a matter of days. That’s a life’s work. Idris Elba’s career is all over the place largely because he seems willing to accept almost any role offered, and his talents and presence garner a ton of offers. And Dud, man, Dud is looking for that elusive purpose.
A week ago on a rain-soaked run I nearly blew out my Achilles tendon, but I didn’t. I’ve been icing it. I’ve been actively resting. There are so many more miles to go.