Wile E. Coyote v. Deletion

Bryan Harvey
3 min readFeb 19, 2024
Difficult to delete to be honest.

An animated dog (shades of brown) and a cartoon bird (shades of purple) passing the time in an orange landscape under a yellow sky.

WILE E. COYOTE: They tossed it out.


WEC: They questioned our numbers. They didn’t see how we arrived at $38.75 million.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Now we’ll never know.

RR: Meep. Meep.

WEC: Thank you, but a genius should have seen this coming.

RR: Meeeeep.

WEC: Sure, I’m literate. I’ve read The History of Speed, cook books, and instruction manuals aplenty.

RR: Meep.

WEC: That was all just following instructions.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Yes, I did put together a UNIVAC mainframe computer–analog switchboard and everything.

RR: Meep. Meep.

WEC: It spit out information. I don’t think it was capable of downloading or saving video files.

RR: Meep. Meep.

WEC: Yes, I guess the cliff was always there like a proverbial rug.

RR: Meep.

WEC: No, not even Prometheus faced deletion.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Easy for you to say–you’re the one with a beak.

RR: Meeeeeeeeep!

WEC: The desert is already painted and plastered with my silhouette.

RR: Meep?

WEC: I guess they’ll destroy the landscape too–do what even atomic energy could not fathom.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Hyperbolic?

RR: Meep!

WEC: Maybe you can’t imagine what lies before us. This isn’t a flattening or a Sisyphean boulder. Nor is it an explosion. Did you even see Oppenheimer?

RR: Meep. Meep.

WEC: Asteroid City?

RR: Meep.

WEC: Yes, I know how much Barbie made. Concern yourself with Tom and Jerry’s box office.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Money in reserve? I gave nearly all of it to ACME.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Dignity? I built a giant robot of myself and called it an idiot for failing in my likeness. We are beyond the parameters of self-respect.

RR: Meep.

WEC: If anything, I have been committed fully to the bit, dangerously so. I have risked everything, but now I see that everything was never enough. Perhaps being a cartoon I misunderstood the very fabric of the word.

RR: Meep. Meep.

WEC: But I have been a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Yes, Paul Simon’s “You Can Call Me Al” still stands up, and I stand on business.

RR: Meep?

WEC: I couldn’t see it before, but I am experiencing a moment of clarity–

RR: Meep.

WEC: Yes, perhaps seeing my old friend Joni Mitchell at the Grammys helped free me from the white lines of the highway.

RR: Meep?!?

WEC: Yes.

RR: Meep. meep.

WEC: They don’t realize it now. I wouldn’t expect ACME to see it, much less Warner Brothers. Don’t you see it clear as day?

RR: Meep.

C: Deletion is how I win.

RR: Meep.

WEC: A coyote needs only to win once to be a genius. That’s what bundles all those failures into a unified process.

RR: Meep.

WEC: Are you with me, old friend of a feather?

RR: Meep. No.

[A note on the above exchange: the Coyote in me wrote it, but the Roadrunner hit publish when no one else would, especially Warner Brothers. Meep. Meep.]



Bryan Harvey

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